Employment gaps on your resume will raise questions of your stability. In most cases, employers will want you to explain them. Therefore, knowing how to handle unemployment gaps on your resume is important.
A word of encouragement: you are not alone. Many people lose jobs for reasons beyond their control. Here are some ideas that my help.
Some Causes of Employment Gaps
- Recessions
- Industry-wide changes
- Consolidations and mergers
- Business sector collapses
Job Types and New Skills
Moreover, your type of job may no longer exist. Just as the automobile replaced the horse and buggy, new technology eliminates jobs that require specific skills. New skills development is critical to your success tomorrow.
In other cases, job seekers must receive certifications, credentials, or licenses that require formal training.
Interim Temporary Work
There is value in doing consulting work, temporary assignments, and even volunteer work. Include this information on your resume to help people know what you are doing in addition to seeking a new job.
Employment Periods in Years
Job seekers frequently list periods of employment in years. The goal of your resume is to get you to an interview. If there are periods of weeks of unemployment in your past, getting to an interview to discuss those periods of unemployment is better than not getting to an interview at all.
Be Well-prepared
Often, your unemployment is beyond your control. Of course, in some cases, unemployment is the result of weak performance. Whatever the case, be prepared to show that, for whatever reason you are unemployed, you need a convincing presentation to show how you will be an asset to your next company.
Do not blame your boss. Employers may see your problems with your boss as defects in your interpersonal skills.
Make Your Point of View Forward Thinking
Whatever you put on your resume; focus on the next job you want to have. Write your resume to show how you will be effective in the specific job for which the company is hiring.
Transferable Skills
On the other hand, you may have transferable skills: Many people may find that they have transferable skills in a new industry. However, industries will continue to change. Transferring your skills may have limited potential.
Maintain consistency between your social media profile and your resume. For example, if you place a record of your career track on LinkedIn or other sites, make sure that the records you keep on those websites are consistent with each other and with your resume.
Take Care of Yourself
The uncertainty of job searching can challenge you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Your finances become uncertain. Trying to focus on job searching is just part of the mental challenge of finding a job.
You are your greatest asset.
Mentors and Friends
Finding mentors and working with friends can help you stay focused and positive as you go through the daily grind of getting a job. Practicing the fundamentals of contacting employers, making applications, and continuing to seek employment are all critical to finding a job.