Gratitude and the Present Moment

People who see themselves as victims of the past and future lose power over their lives. However, they can step out of the role of the victim when they empower themselves to find gratitude for the present moment.

I am grateful for the fact that I have the present moment to be effective at my job, to love my friends, and to love my family. I am grateful for knowing that the only moment in life is the present moment.

There are times when my friends and my family frustrate me. I do not so much forget that they are humans and that they get tired or hungry or have trying days. I forget that I have the power to step back and look at what is going on inside of me. Am I tired or hungry? Can I end an argument by simply eating or resting? Can I become calm and impatient with a simple deep breath?

There are times when my job seems impossible. I feel overwhelmed. I forget that I can only do one task at a time. I forget that I am suffering by allowing ideas to pile up in my head. To become confident and empowered, I must remove the clutter. I must become centered on one thing.

As ideas come to me about the future, I can focus on those ideas. Sometimes those ideas are fearful. I can worry about them, not just once but over and over. On the other hand, I can ruminate on the past. I can run scenarios through my mind about how I would do things differently. However, I cannot know what I would do if I returned to a moment in the past. I would still be me. I would have all the circumstances that led to my actions. Therefore, I must remember that all I have is the present moment to make the best decisions and take the best actions possible.

Additionally, I can find joy by being grateful for the present moment. In these moments, I can breathe. I can take breaks and rest. I can eat and nourish my body. I can empower myself to make decisions and plan. I can act on my obligations that are right in front of me.

Image by jplenio from

A Clear Mind