I have spent so much time in business and talking to people about business that I have lost the feeling of wonder about what successful companies really do. Companies that stay in business for decades do wonderful things and make wonderful products. I could pick many companies as examples and never have to mention a…
Multitasking? Give Me a Break!
The greatest hazard in the multitasking world today is the risk of not getting to the the actual tasks you have set for yourself. Computers Invite Us to Multitask. I have always had multiple tools on my desktop. At one time my desktop was covered with a legal pad, a canister of pens, reference books,…
Crisis Management: Leadership Under Pressure
Crisis Management: One of the most useful things I have learned is how simple everything becomes when I clear my mind. In the middle of a crisis, it is easy for me to forget that I make the best decisions when my mind is not participating in the crisis. Crisis as a Tool Difficult managers…
Counter Offers: The Stress of Trying to Leave a Company
Counter Offers: The Stress of Trying to Leave a Company There is some interesting history on this article. The first day that I posted it, I copied it from a database template, and pasted the article into this website. The content of that template somehow brought down the entire the website. I could still see the back-end of the…
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