The Benefits of Creating Your Own Career Plan

The Benefits of Creating Your Own Career Plan

In a sense, everyone has a career plan.  Some people just do not know what it is or where that plan leads.

When entering kindergarten or first grade, children begin to participate in a career plan.  The school system laid out the plan.  The result is that students with no further plans of their own often find themselves dropping out of school or finishing school to take whatever job is available.

The specifics of your career plan are relative to where you are in your career.  If you are entering college, your career plan will include the subjects you need to study to enable you to get a job in a particular field.

If you have business experience, you may have already worked with different types of business plans.  A career plan provides the same value as a business plan.  You will identify who these things:

  1. Who you are as a brand
  2. Your career mission
  3. An understanding of what you need to do to achieve your career goals.
  4. Ways to present your plan to other people so that you will get the meetings you need for success.

Students and professionals who have who have developed and follow their own career plan have a greater likelihood of success, simply because they know which steps to take for success.

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, working on a project, or in any situation where the question came to mind, “What am I doing here?” or “Why am I doing this?”

Have you noticed that associated with those questions is an unpleasant feeling that you are wasting your time?

You have no sense of purpose.

Going to work every day with a sense of purpose is a lot more fun than going to work every day and wondering why you are doing what you are doing.

Also, it seems logical that going to work everyday with a sense of purpose increases your likelihood of being more successful.

  1. You will take an interest in your work.
  2. You will be focused on your work.
  3. You will be more willing to invest energy and time in your work.

Having a career plan gives you a greater sense of purpose.

Part of creating a career plan includes writing a check-off list.  Through this check-off list, you will create focus and direction.  Your intuition can emerge to see options that might somehow never have come to you.

You might consider including the following things:

  1. Your education now
  2. Your plan for your on-going education
  3. The job you are in now
  4. The jobs you want to do
  5. People you want to help
  6. People you will need to help you
  7. Things you want to achieve
  8. Places you want to go
  9. People you want to meet
  10. Products you want to create
  11. The amount of money you want to make
  12. Your physical goals and diet and exercise plan.

As much as possible, allow yourself to be feel confident that you are on a quest to create a vision of your life the way that you would really want to live it.

As you create your first draft, allow yourself to write down whatever ideas come to mind.  Your career plan is a living document that you will refer to and change as you learn and grow as a professional.  Put aside the limitations of writing structure and just write.  Write what you want to be and what you want to do.  This material is not permanent.  Allow your intuition to become a powerful tool that guides you from map view and street view and back to map view as your proceed.  Give your intuition free reign to see solutions to life events you had only seen as obstacles.

Take breaks and relax as you go through the process of creating your first draft of your career plan. Allow yourself time to create this plan.  As your plan emerges and you get stuck, begin to work on other projects and come back to creating your plan.

What you may find is that the process of creating the plan gives you many more ideas and tools you can develop and ways you can begin to reach out to people you want to help or who can help you.

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The psychological advantage is that you are making everything easier for your mind to perform for your success.  Knowing the details of where you want to go and knowing the details of the things you plan to do, your mind will have greater spontaneity and confidence.  The spontaneity and confidence will create greater clarity.

What you are doing is the same mental process that takes place in any performance practice.  Through repetition prior to the actual time of performance, you can respond intuitively when the pressure in on and you must perform in front of other people. Athletes, musicians, actors, and other performers who give all of their focus during practice experience greater ease during actual performance.

Give yourself the opportunity to create a larger, happier, more successful view of your life than you have ever had.

As you take advantage of creating a career plan, you will have more mental freedom and feel less stress whether you are working in front of other people or working alone at your desk.  You will have practiced, rehearsed, over and over how to get where you want to go, gathering the tools you need to get there, and how to meet the people who are important to your career.

In summary, you will have the following psychological benefits from your career plan.

  1. Increased creativity and confidence
  2. Clear direction
  3. Less stress through the simplicity of a planned process
  4. Great habits for success
  5. The great feelings of a sense of purpose
  6. Spontaneity in handling the inevitable turns and redirections
  7. Creating a vision for success

Most importantly, you will have enabled your mind to be able to contribute for your success.

As school students, educators had laid out the plan for us to follow to complete certain studies to qualify us for a diploma.