The Biggest Job Hunting Mistake You Can Make Is Not Trying.

Hunting for jobs take a lot of work. It is easy to let up and take your search lightly. Finding a job is like building a business. Even when business is slow you can make preparations for when business will return. Here are some things you can do during a lull in activity.

1. Send a thank you note to your friends and references to thank them for their support and let them know that you remain active in your search effort.

2. Make your resume tighter. Reduce the accomplishments in older jobs and increase the list of accomplishments in recent jobs.

3. Get on your professional network and review your group memberships.

4. Build your database of company contacts. Making a direct application to an employer is far better than applying through a job board or a membership site. There is a company research page on the tab “Companies” at the top of this website.

5. Buy career books or get a library card and check out books that will help you hunt for a job.

6. Work on your skills.  There are YouTube videos on nearly every subject imaginable.  There are nearly 900 links and articles on this website to help you with your career.

7. Keep your chin up.  Work on your attitude through videos on, books, and websites.  Hunting for a job is tough work.  Be tough on yourself to work hard in your job hunt but never get down on yourself,

8. Avoid negative people.  Stay in touch with people who always have a positive attitude and who will urge you to stay focused.

9. You are your greatest asset.  Eat healthy.  Get daily exercise,

10. Remember that tough times pass.  You may just need to work really hard to move through them.