8 Winning Tips for Telephone Meetings

8 Winning Tips for Telephone Meetings:  Telephone meetings have increased in popularity.  More people work from home.  Face-to-face communication over the Internet is easier.

Before the telephone meeting, prepare as though someone is coming to meet you in your office.

Have these things on your desk:

  • A statement of the purpose of the meeting
  • Any correspondence or research you have that relates to the meeting
  • A list of key points you wish to make
  • A list of questions

Select your interview place carefully.

  • Pick a quiet room.
  • Have a glass of water immediately handy.
  • Pick a comfortable chair.

Even though you are on the phone, let your personality shine, especially if you are on a facetime call.

  • Smile.  You will project warmth whether the other people can see you or not.
  • Listen to the questions.  Make sure you understand the question before you answer it.  Answer the questions people ask.  Do not just respond with subjects that relate to the question.
  • Remember to take a quiet deep breath from time to time.
  • Say positive things about yourself and about the other people.

Remember to focus.

  • Check you notes as you go along.
  • Make notes about the things other people say during the call.
  • Don’t bring up new subjects until you have finished discussing the purpose of the call.

Ask questions to keep others involved.

  • If you are seeking a commitment, ask trial close questions: for example, ask the other people when the company will make a decision.
  • Emphasize that you are definitely interested in going forward with the opportunity.

Do not allow interruptions.

  • If you get another call, ignore it.
  • Make sure that people around you know not to disturb you.
  • Certainly do not multi-task.
  • Do not talk over other people.
  • Do not try to tell a joke.
  • Do not fake your answers.  If you do not know that answer to a question, just say so.

Remember to close on an upbeat. 

Thank the others for taking time to speak with you.  Emphasize that you hope to have a chance to speak again.