The greatest teams have members who put team wins above personal wins.

Winning Team Members

There are many traits of winning team members. Here are six of the best traits.


Team members own their mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. On winning teams, the members admit them and do not repeat them. Additionally, these members immediately correct their mistakes. Without delay, they move the team along successfully.

Job Description

Winning team members know their job description.

Members of winning teams know their job description. They read it with their team leader. They discuss the goals and responsibilities of their jobs openly with each other to collaborate effectively.

Furthermore, they are conscientious. They know how to do their job, and they do it correctly.


On winning teams, members know their boundaries. They know where their responsibilities end and the responsibilities of others begin. They allow others to do their own job.

Being a team player and helping other people is one thing. However, carrying other team members or interfering with the performance of other team members on winning teams, reduces the team’s strength in numbers.


Mental intensity is critical to take teams to the next level. However, mental intensity can lead to exhaustion. Carried to extremes over extended periods, mental intensity can lead to a condition where team members lose interest. They burn out. In the worst cases, team members cannot do their job at all. They underperform. In some cases, team members simply quit.

Talented team leaders know how to reduce intensity to a sustainable level. They know whether the race of the day is a marathon or a sprint.


Winning team members give credit to the team. These team members empower their teammates for success. The team members bond and become more powerful when they celebrate as a team.


The greatest teams have members who put team wins above personal wins.