Success Made Simple: Do These Things.

Success Made Simple Successful People Have Successful Habits.

Success Made Simple: What are the things that successful people do differently?  How can you simplify your life to simplify your success?

Success Made Simple

There are many things that successful people do.  Here are some of those things.

Success Made Simple: Act Once.

Some projects need extra effort and attention.  Sometimes completing those projects is frustrating, boring, or even annoying. It is easy to take up a distraction.

When you stop to talk with a co-worker or sneak in a little social media time, you lose your focus.  Returning to the task takes time to refocus and find the spot where you left off.

Act once by ignoring distractions and completing a task

Success Made Simple: Own Your Mistakes.

Mistakes happen.

Blaming other people may make you feel better.  But it does nothing to correct the problems from your mistakes.

You don’t always have to admit to others that you made a mistake.  However, you do need to be honest with yourself and own your mistakes.  With a little self-honesty, you can make huge strides in self-improvement.

Success Made Simple: Assess and Adjust.

Owning your mistakes is just one of the steps in assessing and adjusting your behavior.

Every day things happen that can thwart your plans.  Successful people don’t focus on the frustrations.  They focus on solutions. Immediately, they assess and adjust.

A simple way to assess and adjust is to ask some simple questions.

What is the new situation?

How practical is it to continue with the current plan?

What adjustments will lead to have a successful day?

Success Made Simple: Take Leadership.

Some people think about how great it would be if things changed or if projects got off the ground.  However, that is as far as many people ever get.

Successful people don’t wonder how things can change or how projects can get started.

They take leadership and make changes.

Success Made Simple: Organize.

Successful people have a place for everything. They keep the correct things in those places.  Saws and hammers go above the workbench.  Paper clips go in the top right drawer of their desk.

Successful people don’t waste time looking for the things they use once or twice a year.  They know where to find those things when they need them.  When the job is done, they return those things to the correct place.